How do we stop these petty, war mongering people from destroying the earth?

I've read that Putin wants to negotiate peace, but doesn't have anyone trustworthy to negotiate with.

How can you trust anyone who wants to continue a war for the sake of how he will look in the upcoming election, and who funds a genocide crossing his own red lines?

I'm so fed up with being held hostage, worrying about the future that the USA and its allies are so reckless with.

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Yes this is the closest I think we have ever been to a nuclear war. And over what ? It’s the US security state manufacturing an enemy.

Biden has filled his cabinet with the worst of the worst war mongers

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You have hit the nail on the head Diana, they are holding us hostage, in a state of constant worry and fear for the future. I guess the only thing we can do is 1) don’t vote for them and 2) keep on calling them out on their suicidal bs

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That i like. Keep calling them out loud and clear. We need to be doing this constantly. We also need to stop the genocide in Gaza. US empire fully and actively involved in the genocide.

So why Gaza? The Ben Gurion canal is of immense importance. Revenue of billions per year going to Israhell per year but equally important is the oil&gas in Gaza. This cannot be underestimated as is their only avenue to stay “power leader of the world or policing the world”. Example of their involvement in the genocide is the latest military coup to rescue 4 POW as that is what they were. Not Hostages but serving members in the army. War crime to use aid trucks for this op. Killing 274 innocent civilians and even “hostages” plus wounding over 700 more. And yet they claim victory. Inhumane, barbaric and downright evil. This coup was done by IOF, US and UK. It shows that none of them have any qualms about Palestinian lives but they are also brazen to show their part in it. And let us not forget them being involved in shooting down Iranian drones either. So thinking that US ever will pull the plug is simply being in denial. Now the most important action all of us have to do is to DEMAND in our millions CEASEFIRE NEGOTIATIONS to be done by China & Brazil. US committing this genocide and being a part of negotiations is dangerous as we witnessed when they abstained the so called prev ceasefire and straight away then said was non-binding making it null and void. This one where it has been already proven US lying thru their teeth worries me. Stage1: 6wks ceasefire and when questioned why not permanent stated that this is what it basically means but also mentioning as long as the negotiations continue. There is the crux. Israhell refuses after 6wks to negotiate (if they last that long) and the deal is off and we are back at square one. This is why it is so important to force US out and let China and Brazil handle the negotiations. Another thing that struck me was that the Egypt rep stated that the Rafah border should not be used as is mainly for passengers. There are 3 or 4 others he said can be used yet humanitarian aid has prev been coming in via the Rafah border. Why make that a point? He is a lackey of US or would have done something about IOF moving into the Philadelphia corner as was breach of agreement. So we are dealing with all these inconsistencies already now. We need reliable negotiators that will be making sure Palestine is getting what is their right. In regards to Putin have been listening to a lot of interviews and we are dealing here with an extremely intelligent person. He also has a clear understanding about the future of Russia. He nor China have a desire to be at war. However, US is the biggest bully never giving up. Keeps reminding me of Kissinger stating being an ally of US is a death sentence. Ukraine is bearing the results. Biden is a puppet being used by Blinken. He is suffering from advanced dementia. Anyone with experience in dementia will say so. So you have a candidate with dementia or a felon in the two parties. Neither are an option to vote for. Jill Stein, independent, anti-war. This is now the only requirement in today’s climate. Cornel West is anti-war as well but my gut says could be a turn coat.

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It’s sick to see how the US will go against its own interests to defend Israel. Israel is trying to coax the US into a war with Iran, but there is no real reason for Iran and the US to fight. Just the idea that the US entertains the idea shows how warped of a society we live in.

Blinken is like Dick Cheney jr. He’s a psychopath

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* emits long sigh that can be heard from outer space

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Was that the sound I just heard?

I can’t blame you. This is all frightening. And the scariest part is how little the biggest security crisis we’ve had since the Cuban missile crisis is ignored in favor of taking about nonsense

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No one seems to want to de-escalate and for all the wrong reasons

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From the beginning, the problem has always been that Russia does not want this war and has been loathe to escalate.

What Russia thinks of as reasonableness and humanitarianism, the West sees this as contemptible weakness and smells blood.

The West is absolutely itching for a fight, and since the sociopaths who rule the West pay no price, the fight is coming. Among Russia's many miscalculations, they should have done something like their response to the 2008 attack by Georgia on South Ossetia and Abkhazia - a short, sharp and nasty response that finished off the Ukrainian regime before the West could respond.

And yes, this never was about Ukraine or Ukrainians. Both are expendable. This ever always only was about the American empire.

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Russia tried hard not to get into this war. They had the Minsk accord in place and it got ripped up.

Putin and Zelensky had a peace deal worked out where the war would stop and Zelensky would guarantee Ukraine neutrality. The US sabotaged it.

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Yes, so what does Russia propose to do about it?

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What can they do? Russia believes that the West wants Putin gone. He’s right, they do. They want to install a government that is subservient to the west. Like Zelensky.

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The United States and its satraps seek to do to Russia what they did to Libya, Syria and Iraq.

I ask "what does Russia propose to do about it?" or variants thereon, because that is the only question that matters to the sociopath. "So, what is going to stop me?"

The Russian leadership clearly do not want to accept his basic fact - they do not have a misunderstanding with the West. The West actively seeks to do them harm. Not only that, but no matter how reasonable they act, no matter how accommodating, the West will only see this as contemptible weakness. Russia will always be hated and feared, and never will be allowed to join The Club. The Russian leadership do not want to admit this.

For the West, there are adversaries and there are puppets.

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Very well put. I think you just won comment of week. Do you mind getting mentioned in my next article?

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Do it up.

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It's no fun guessing what a declining American President will risk in his final months.

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And he’s declining in every meaning of the word.

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The unwinnable nature of this conflict seems to be summed up by how existential Putin sees it as; it is as much a determination of Russia’s future to him as it is about Ukraine’s future. And thus neither he, nor Russia, will relent on this front

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The West wants Putin out. Russia has too many resources that the west doesn’t have access to. Russia needs to be a good loyal little boy, like their Ukrainian neighbors

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Yep. Actually, what's sort of been done to Russia is akin to gaslighting on a foreign policy level. First slowly encircling them with NATO countries up to their gullet, giving surreptitious hints through the 90s that they *might* be able to join NATO (convo between B Clinton and Putin way back when), covertly helping the regime change in Kiev in 2014, then acting all surprised and huffy when Moscow decided to invade Kiev as Putin clearly saw there was little choice left if Russia was to exert any sort of power or influence in the region. I'm no great fan of Putin per se, but I understand in a sort of chess board situation that he felt he had no choice. Especially also after watching for years as the Russian native population in the eastern stretches of the Donbass were bombed and harassed by Azov Brigade etc esp post Zelensky coming in.

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Excellent article, Michael. You stated, "As a thought experiment, imagine the US response of an alliance of China, Russia, and Iran attempting to put troops on the US Mexican border." My immediate thought was that we need to be equally concerned about what is happening along our northern border with Canada. Recently, the Canadian government allowed the Chinese to train their armies at the Suffield Military base in Southern Alberta. Suffield has been a military training ground for Canadian and British troops since WWII, and it is located less than two hours from the US-Canada border. Hundreds of thousands of Chinese Army troops have trained there.

While we are distracted with the Mexican border, the Ukraine, and Gaza, China trained its troops in our back yard. As a thought experiment, think about what the US response has been to this.

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