Jun 11·edited Jun 11

"Yes, but when Biden does it, then that makes it Okay!" Biden could announce that he was going to build a wall, a beautiful wall, and Mexico was going to pay for it, and the same totebag goodthink liberals who said any immigration restrictions were prima facie was racist would drop their objections and fall right in line, while trumpers would either insist that this was a headfake or that this wall was somehow inferior as a monument to stupidity than the one that Trump had proposed.

This is merely a tribal beef playing out, with Team D as the political manifestation of the PMC class consciousness and Team R as that of the Local Gentry.

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The Democrats have turned far to the right. Their supporters just went along for the ride not realizing they have turned to the right with their party.

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Jun 11·edited Jun 11

They don't care. Biden could personally toss migrant children alive into piranha tanks and Team D nuthangers wouldn't raise a peep, as long he was their team, their tribe.

Team R cultists would whine that Biden stole the idea from Trump, and besides barracudas, not piranhas, swim near Mar a Lago.

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Team D would be so proud of themselves to follow their party so subserviently. They would probably come up with a new chant to go alongside “vote blue no matter who”.

Something like “infanticiden’ with Biden”

They would still insist Biden is better than Trump.

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Of course. The jackholes on NPR would be pulling their Serious Faces and giving long-winded explanations in their most smug and condescending tones about on how feeding infants to piranhas is an ancient cultural custom in the Amazon and so much more humane than barracudas, which is just mean.

The dipshits at The New Republic would be masturbatory about how this shows that Biden Is Tough And Hardheaded.

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This is the tyranny of not having a parliamentary type system. And now Hillary Clinton who prevented the US from having a national health system, is reinserting herself in US politics. She is returning to family roots in the Republican Party by endlessly pushing the Democrats right! She is to the right of Biden, ffs

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She sure is to the right of Biden. Biden to the right of Newt Gingrich, so Hillary is pretty far to the right. The think I hate most about Hillary is how much outright contempt she has for the people she is supposed to champion. She lost the white working class vote then called them "deplorables" and white supremacists.

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Biden also knows his many Dem appointed fed judges won’t do anything to harm this incompetent reelection for Biden. The Trump appointed judges won’t do anything because they see this as something to support since 62% of Americans support the wall. And the MSM won’t attack Biden since they’re propaganda tools for DNC.

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Biden is a long time, establishment politician. That’s why I feared him, he is much better than Trump and getting policy enacted.

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He’s only better because the Dems in Senate & House follow in lock-step with any horrible bill proposed and MSM never ever calls them out. So no fear is warranted by them as run over our rights. Actually, anything coming out of Biden WH is totally scripted by his puppet-masters Obama and Rice. Biden doesn’t have enough brain cells still working to even read his cheat cards correctly. Example when he reads ‘pause’ out loud. 🤦‍♀️😩

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Time to vote third party?

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You mentioned the 25,000 children doing hard labor, but failed to mention the 85,000 children Biden has lost track of. Many are now being trafficked by pedos and suffering from child abuse.

Of course, Biden is only pretending to help our open border due to reelection, which he will fully open once again afterwards. The figures don’t count the plane loads of illegals that Biden and Myorkas fly into our country from 7 different countries under the asylum ruse. There are also millions granted parole that were busses or flown in and many of which they also have lost count of. Then, let’s not forget the military age men coming from many countries, including thousands from China.

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Yes he doesn’t care about anything but his own interests, and the interests of his donors. I need to do more research on the missing children. It might be another article at some point.

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If you are ok with it, I’d like to quote part of this for my next article. I have a comment of the week award.

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Thank you!!! I've been screaming about this! Biden is just as authoritarian as Trump. He's just better at hiding it. We're so fucked😔

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The Democrats are notorious for hiding their evils. It works well because his supporters want to believe it’s true.

In the words of Eric Hoffer “propaganda doesn’t deceive people, it just helps them to deceive themselves “

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After letting in somewhere around 10 Million illegals, now Biden and the Dems want to talk IMMIGRATION REFORM; what could that mean, building a wall and setting up self service voter registration and green card booths similar to the WalMart check out lines where WIC cards and OBAMA Phones would also be issued!

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"presiding over and refusing to end a genocide"?

Care to explain?

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About 40k Palestinians dead? That doesn’t count for you ?

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Every life counts. But it's not genocide. If the IDF had genocide as its objective, it could accomplish it in a day. But you know that

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I don’t think that’s a really good argument against genocide. Genocide is about intent, not the speed of the act of committing it. Israel will not accept a two state solution, nor will they accept Palestinians as citizens. That leaves them one choice , and that’s extermination. Thats why the ICC is aiming to indicate then

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If illegal immigriants don't do our farm work, food prices will go up even more.

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The ruse of being compassionate when 25,000 children are used for hard labor is not compassion. Nor the thousands of women and children being sex trafficked ti pay their cartel fees. Nor is if compassionate for the families losing loved ones with drug abuse & death dud to fentynal-laced drugs. Nor is it compassionate for the families when illegals with violent records kill their family members.

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There is nothing compassionate about Joe Biden. He’s a war mongering, racist, Wall Street servant. He’s the worst kind of racist- an institutional racist. He can get policy passed, and did with his crime bill.

I wrote an article a few months ago where I called described him as “authoritarianism with a smile”

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Spot on description of a vile, racist, liar, plagiarist politician that has proven to be incompetent and wrong on every issue.

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You're a racist 🤡

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🤣🤣🤣 go get your pacifier and see if that helps

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