People need to know these things. Thanks for posting, Michael.

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Thank you.

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Thank you Mike. It will take much work to expose the hypocrisy of American posturing and corporate media lack of integrity. You advance that work.

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Ukraine has form in using hospitals, schools, etc. for military purposes, and then crying when Russia hits them.

For that matter, it's also not clear whether this was a Ukrainian missile that hit the hospital. Ukraine also has form in blaming Russia for Ukrainian missile strikes.

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Ukraine is in many ways a victim of the US and NATO. They wear the label well and play it to the max

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Of course, since nobody in Kiev cares about Ukraine or Ukrainians, and that's what keeps the bennies flowing.

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The Ukrainians are quickly becoming what Noam Chomsky calls “the un-people”

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Explain, please.

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What he means by “um-people” are the people that nobody in a position of power is willing to fight for them. The Palestinians are an example of “un-people”.

The US claims to be fighting for the people of Ukraine, but the US is destroying them daily.

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Nobody in Washington or Brussels gives a rat's ass about Ukraine or Ukrainians, except to the extent they can be used to threaten Russia. Take away Russia and Ukraine would go from The Sentinel Of Freedom And Democracy(R) to a nazi-infested pariah state.

Vladimir Vladimirovich Putin probably cares more about Ukrainians than does anyone in Washington or Brussels, or, for that matter, Kiev.

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This is nothing new. George W. never got to stand trial for invading a country. USA conveniently left the ICC and all other institutions that want to prosecute them.

We have not evolved from the times of the pirates that always showed: The spoils go to the victor.

Solice lies in the fact that no person or country will be the victor forever and it remains to be seen if the future powers are willing and of strong conviction to prosecute those evil acts.

Most of the times they don't but the Nuernberg trials give hope that it can be done - I think it should be.

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The way the world is organized now, there is little chance of justice against the West. The Nuremberg trials were quickly abandoned when the US found it could suck some additional value out of the Nazis.

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Yes, true

I recall the question: Who has the better rocket scientists

I guess it was Werner von Braun after all 😉

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Pretty demented. That’s for sure.

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It’s just Ukraine. Not the Ukraine.

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You are correct

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Greyzone is a anti- Zionist antisemitic rag. Nothing they write about Israel is true. They still insist Hamas and the Gaza civilians did not perpetrate what happened on Oct 7 but that it was an Israeli undercover opp. Disgusting to say the least especially as Hamas made sure to let the world know what they were doing.

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No that is not what they said. They said that Israel military had given a “turn the area into a killing field” and Israel shot up and used heavy weapons to do it . They killed many Israelis. There are many witnesses who have testified to this.

One of Israel’s mainstream newspapers has confirmed this. (Haaretz(

The mainstream media in the US are the ones bought out by the Israel Lobby. They are the ones lying to you.

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Ha'aretz is not mainstream and nobody in Israel reads it. You can check the circulation figures. Many Israelis find it treasonous. Plus which would you quote NY Times as a reliable source? Feels like a leftist circle jerk.

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Besides, have you ever looked up the legal definition of treason? No newspaper can be treasonous. It’s their job to report the truth

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But when what they "report" is not true? When they write things that accuse IDF soldiers of things they never did? And then the NY Times quotes them. Very irresponsible journalism if you want to call it that.

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They are not treasonous. They are more truthful than other publications. Besides other outlets have reported the same stories.

Besides if you watch the interview I posted, nobody denied what happened.

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Haaretz is the oldest Jewish newspaper in the region. It was there (1918) before Israel and is considered the most competent newspaper in Israel by many other outlets and journalists worldwide. Catch up.

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So what? It is far from what it once was and nobody in Israel reads it. It does not at all reflect the opinions and interests of average Israelis. And you can easily check circulation figures. Israel HaYom and Ideiot Ahronot (ouy hard to transliterate) each beats Ha'aretz easily.

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If you watch the interview in the article, nobody denied that Israel had invoked the Hannibal directive.

You categorically say things are false but you don’t give any information why it’s false. The guys from grey zone are highly competent and moral journalists. I have never seen them publish anything that has been disproven. It’s the mainstream media that are shills for Israel. AIPAC has made sure of that

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That's not true. This is not Grayzone's position on October 7th. This is slander to discredit independant media.

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I only read independent media but Max Bluenthal is still insisting that there were no rapes and that Israel killed.many of the civilians none of which is true.

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Do you have proofs to affirm that this is not true? They have exposed Israel's game to stain the reality, and everything they demonstrated was revealed by other independent media such as Electronic Intifada and even later by Israeli media (Haaretz and others), and international bodies (UN), which makes The Grayzone even more credible.

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there is ample video which was taken by Hamas and the civilians from Gaza who entered Israel with them. Tons of video. Forensic analysis, testimony by survivors, etc. You would not ask for even this from ANY OTHER VICTIMS. that's called antisemitism dear.

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It is utterly disingenuous to invoke antisemitism, and you are just using it as an out-card. As a Jewish person, I find this really offensive. It means Israeli policy is not allowed to be questioned

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I see no value to continue this discussion. You started by accusing The Grayzone of antisemitism, and now that I try to explain that what you're saying against them has no basis, I am the antisemitic. I am sick of this type of behaviour. The debate is closed!

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Piers Morgan needs to be called out for his biased or non-existent moderating. That was excruciating and angering to attempt to watch. But as you point out that episode was a classic example of preventing the truth from prevailing.

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Piers Morgan is a bully. He often has people on this show who are way too bright for him, like Jeffrey Sachs or John Mearsheimer. They wiped the floor with him. He picked on Aaron Mate because he could. No other reason.

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He is so much like the sex and self obsessed Bill O'Reilly of Fox News fame that was forced to leave after being credibly accused of harassment of a female colleague.

O'Reilly was or is a liar and bully (I have no clue what devilry he's up to now). Why would anyone want to watch someone like that? Maybe for validation of their own hate energized beliefs?

Jeez, it bothers me when a talk show host constantly interrupts the guest to tell jokes even though it is supposed to be a comedy show.

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He made a name for himself on Britain’s got talent. He could say all the snarky things he wanted. It was part of the show. Interviewing people on important political issues is way over his head. He regurgitates neoliberal/neocon lines. When those don’t work, he changes the topic. I urge you, if you haven’t yet, watch Piers debate mearsheimer

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I love Mearsheimer and watching Morgan's likely treatment of him would give me a stroke I fear. But if Mearsheimer is allowed to mop the floor with him... well, that is something I would love to see.

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It was so good, it was like eating ice cream for an hour


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Well Michael Thank You for the link! I loved it.

I didn't think I could esteem Mearsheimer any more than I did, but after seeing this, holy cow that man is my hero and a master at handling stupid people with (my opinion) undeserved respect.

That made more than my day. I hope I can hold unto this sense of satisfaction for some time.

But, can you believe Morgan being the one to complain about the deterioration of discourse today? He's one of the destructors of decency in discourse for crying out loud. What do we call it when someone pretends to be a soldier that earned a bunch of fake medals on their chest? He doesn't deserve any reward for pretending to be concerned about the state of discourse today.

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I'm intrigued. Thank you.

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