When Dr. King saw how White working class people were being left out of the struggle for equality, he took the step that White progressives should have taken and formed the Poor Peoples' Campaign. The same inaction by what remains of a 'Left' has fueled the ranks of the MAGA movement. Will White progressives get it 'right' this time? Will they condescend to talk to the 'deplorables?' If not, we will be in deep shite.

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That's my biggest qualm with the Democrats—the utter contempt they have for the people they purport to champion.

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I have long figured out that "left", "right" etc. as used in contemporary Western discourse are not coherent philosophical positions but ad hoc alliances of interest groups that do not necessarily have much in common.

I could construct a "liberal" pro-life case, for example, yet abortion remains perhaps the most sacred of all liberal sacred cows.

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Monikers like that are vague and mean what people want them to mean. Thats part of how exploitation happens

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Names are more important than they get credit for. THE Nazi regime lasted only eleven or twelve years, ending in a bunker among the ruins of Berlin. The US has been ruled by Neo-Cons for about three decades but people are largely unaware of what's been happening. The label is confused with "Neo-Libs" but neither label seems to invoke the horror they've wrought. We're just beginning to see it now

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The GOP doesn't oppose the Ukraine war because it's anti-war. It opposes the Ukraine war because it's the wrong war. Their "national security" boogeyman is and always has been China, which is invariably referred to as "the CPP" in the right-wing press. It has been for more than a decade, but most independent journalists criticizing both parties are still unable to bring themselves to spend any amount of real time watching that end of the spectrum.

The GOP wants to end the war against Russia not because it loves Russia but because it doesn't want to waste any more money that could be used against the Yellow Peril by employing Taiwan.

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I agree with that analysis. China has always been the target of the GOP. But they can relax and know that China will be on the horizon. One interesting and surprising fact is a recent survey by the Foreign Council showed that only 52% of Republicans think we should not get into more foreign wars. The GOP is a little more afraid of their base than the Democrats are because Democratic supporters swear their loyalty before they even know what the platform is.

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Thanks for articulating this important issue that confuses and divides us.

As for democracy, I think we lost it awhile ago. Neoliberalism or neoliberalism?

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It’s frightening to think how neoliberalism has taken stage above everything else. It’s what the West runs on and a disgrace to the original meaning of the world Liberalism

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LOL. Imagine the coincidence. I published this, yesterday. https://jstuckey.substack.com/p/are-the-left-and-right-uniting-switching

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I just subscribed so I don’t miss your articles again. I’ll read it later today

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No worries. I was just struck by the timing, and if you'd rather I don't post links to my stuff, let me know, and I will abstain.

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Feel free to post links.

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One of the most appalling things I’ve seen of late is the media construction of Kamala Harris as walking in the footsteps of Rosa Parks and Ruby Bridges - critical narratives of black feminist history being appropriated and commodified to sell Harris. Nothing is sacred. Thanks for the article btw.

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To illustrate the fluidity of it all, one of the slimiest deep state characters of this century and a champion neocon Republican, Dick Cheney, has endorsed Harris.

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Oh yes. That will be discussed in the next piece I’m already working on.

She has the Trifecta supporting her: Bush, Dick Cheney and Liz Cheney

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This was helpful, thank you. I wish there was a weekly on-line survey that lists topical questions and a 1, strongly disagree to 5, strongly agree whereby l could determine where on the far-left to far-right scale l sit.

I've become so confused lately and the more l try and educate myself on certain topics, the more confused l get. As an example l was never a fan of Fascism (or Nazis) and thought Antifa was a good thing but, apparently l'm wrong. I'm against the genocide of Palestinians but, that somehow makes me a Jew hating anti-semite! IDK

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I’m Jewish and I get called an antisemite as well. Don’t take it personally.

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Although I think the general thrust of your argument is correct, I have a hard time understanding how 'economic austerity' is a standard political belief in the West. The United States is officially $36 trillion dollars in debt and has run federal budget deficits for 46 of the last 50 years. A more realistic accounting of the federal deficit which includes off-budget items (primarily unfunded pension liabilities) would suggest the true federal deficit is closer to $157 trillion dollars. Most other Western countries are in the same boat. If this is austerity, I'd hate to see profligate spending. The censorship regime and crackdown on dissent, as bad as that is, and it's probably going to get much worse, is really just a symptom of a much deeper problem. The real problem is that the deficit spending, which enriches the elite at the expense of the middle class, cannot be sustained much longer. Either spending must be reduced, the debt must be renounced or the dollar must be reduced in value. There is no political will for the first or the second, so higher inflation it will be. Inflation has a destructive effect on both the economy and moral values. When everything falls apart, the elite will increasingly rely upon the censorship and police state tools they are building now to stay in power and keep their ill-gotten wealth while the middle class sinks into poverty. This is the real source of the social stress we are seeing across Western societies today. The party is almost over and the elite are planning for the after-party.

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Great article! I felt like it lacked a proper ending, but the meat of it sums up this topic excellently!

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JK, thanks for the feedback. I just felt like I had run out of gas with the topic by then and decided to leave with the comment from Hannah Arendt. I think that's good feedback for the future, though. So thank you.

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The trouble with your theory of categorization is that, taken to its logical conclusion, it is an assault on language itself. If you read the opening passage of the Tao Te Ching it refers to the named being the mother of the myriad creatures which it contrasts with the unnamed as basically the essence. Having said that the facile categorization of political opponents with a phrase which has a pejorative tone is regrettable. I see it a lot - commie - is a term of abuse in the mouths of those who lack knowledge of its origins. But then take Trump. His espoused positions do fall into a certain category. What is a reference to tainting of the blood but a clear indication of membership of that category? Would the paranoid style be a better fit to the circumstances?

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