Great analysis, Michael.

I wonder how many of us refuse mainstream media, and are scrupulous about the media sources we pay attention to. It must be tough for those who haven't been very discerning about the news they consume.

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US media is at an all-time low in the US. It's at 3\% approval. That doesn't mean they have stopped watching. Or if they have, it doesn't mean they replaced it with anything either. Hopefully, many of them have flocked to the independent media

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thanks great read. Jill Stein has a foot in the door the moment is now imho. This Genocide the du/opp EMBRACES is a clear line for probably a majority of humans ( God i hope) so Of course they manipulate violence narratives like all they profit from.

I’ll VOTE STEIN & WARE to save innocent human lives no brainer for me To vote DU/OPPs red & blue both are profiteering death cults is insane

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I share those sentiments. But the reality is that she would need to take on the deep state. She has her heart in the right place, but can she take them on and win? That's the big question.

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A win may be pos but the tide turn is inevitable. Just how much more 💩do we eat ? im full & i left the table in 16’? Genocides a absolute for many🤷‍♀️What the DS does as response cant be the issue any longer.

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Please keep spreading the word and make a case for her.

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I believe everything begins with what people choose to believe. If they believe the two-party system is real, they hold out hope that those for whom they vote will act in their best interests. I used to believe this way.

In March 2009, I had a Road to Damascusesque experience, when I learned that the Department of Homeland Security (DHS) had unveiled a Domestic Terrorist Profile (DTP). The DTP waz targeted towards law-abiding citizens who have the temerity to believe in God, the U. S. Constitution and Bill of Rights, etc.! This was the beginning of a total transformation of what I believe, regarding everything government.

I believe there are those who control governments all over the globe from outside of government. These individuals may not agree on everything, but thieves never agree on everything.

These theives want us divided along every fissure of humanity. The more bombastic and/or marginalizing a candidate is, the more this works for those in control, working behind closed doors. This deepens and widens the division, and the propaganda phalanx (media) exacerbate the division.

I believe we really have a uniparty. A uniparty means that both parties are controlled by the same ne'er do wells. Some people say they believe we have a uniparty, but when it comes to elections, they slip back into believing "their" candidate will break from the uniparty. That might happen, periodically, at the local level, but it is much less likely to happen at the state level, and virtually impossible at the federal level.

When a party selects and supports a candidate, the candidate represents the party and those who control it, not the people. Both major political parties have two branches, one with those who control the party and the candidates, and another with those who vote, believing in the election process, as fraudulent as it is. I believe we have (s)elections, not elections ..., not unlike other banana republics for which we have such disdain.

My primary question remains, if there is a group of individuals who control the government from outside of the government, and this group seeks total control over everyone and everything, does it make any sense that they would leave the deployment of their agenda to the whims of those they seek to control?

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Eric Hoffer, the great sociologist, once said, "Propaganda does not deceive people. It merely helps them to deceive themselves."

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Of course ?,..

Will be more

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Unfortunately, its most likely true.

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