
I Agee. It’s astonishing that more people can’t objectively see what’s happening here. Propaganda has amazing numbing powers.

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Just so over the top that they'd threaten members of the ICC and their families! Along with the fact that a lot of politicians around the world are parroting the same line about Israel being a democracy and Hamas being a terrorist organization -- as Israel continues to commit genocide. Thanks for posting, Michael.

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The blatant disregard of the law, thuggish threats to international justices, authoritarian censorship of our free speech, propagandistic promotion of genocidal policies, and wanton killing of homeless, starving indigenous people are far greater than this genocide. Yet, at day's end, are committing these atrocities so rewarding that our authority would support a foreign power committing genocide?

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Unimaginable 👊🏼👹‼️‼️

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The endless claim of Zionists that their actions represent Judaism make Jewish people more at risk throughout the whole world.

I've met plenty of kind Jewish people and never a nice Zionist.

You can't be nice and supportive of a genocide.

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Zionism is a type of Apartheid State, Judaism is a type of religion or people or both.

Every person and every People with a few exceptions has a right to exist, but a country - I mean any country - does not have such a right.

Any Group, Individual, Country or Policy that promotes Anti-Zionism as being the same as Anti-Semitism is also HATE SPEECH as it promotes Apartheid Behaviour that is nothing but HATE it is not a matter of OPINION it is a FACT. Conflating the two endangers Jews globally as being complicit in what the State of Israel does.

Israel using its neighbours as a Measuring Stick isn't even a real argument either as the best of what the "world" has to offer is the "real'' Measuring Stick, as exemplified with Denmark or some other Nordic country are good examples of this Global Measuring Stick.

Voting does not make a democracy unless ALL people under a country's control can vote for the people controlling them and they are ALL treated equally. Israel isn't a democracy and never has been; that is propaganda.

Israel is a kina theocracy like Iran, but only for the Jewish born, atheist or not so it is apartheid if that Jewish argument is used.. might as well say Whites Only or Blacks Only or Asians Only or Catholics Only as with the Doctrine of Discovery; that is the very definition of racism are Americans really that dumb?

Israel is about displacement not about the Holocaust or some Land Deed claim called the Torah, which is a clear misinterpretation of it.

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Mafia-style intimidation, law of the jungle, settling of scores, in short, we are back in the new era of «biased rule order» all excesses, all excesses are allowed to the self-proclaimed masters of the world. Is it not high time for the gladiators promised to sacrifice in the arena to rise up?…

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More American shame

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Truly sad you fail to be a journalist getting real facts. Sometimes you have written like a journalist but your hatred for Israel clouds your writing. A real journalist would have understood and posted that it’s Hamas who is stealing and hoarding food. It’s Hamas who is lying about the death numbers, terrible as they are, but overstated. Take out the claim you’re a journalist and change to be a very opinionated writer then that would be more accurate.

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Can you please give sone references to your claim that Hamas is hoarding food? I’ve never heard such a claim.

Please tell me what you think the actual number of deaths are. At Biden’s STOU address he said it was 30,000.

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The thing about propaganda, each side does it. During WW2 the west depicted Japanese as monkeys etc. Conversely, Japan depicted American military similarly. What isn’t propaganda is what Hamas did to Israelis and other nationalities.

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So what you are saying is that the definition of propaganda is something you don’t agree wiith

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How do you even get that from my post? I said both sides do it just like you are parroting Hamas propaganda. Because you say it then I’m supposed to believe you when clearly you’re writing is pure hate towards Israel. Side note before you decide to come after me I’m not Republican (note it’s capitalized), nor Jew, nor Israeli. Just tired of so called journalists posting opinions as facts. My point about propaganda is that is used by all sides.

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You said “ what’s true is that Hamas hid hoarding food” . Why is that true and not propaganda

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A lot of information posted daily here on Substack. Your posts, as I noted, has some interesting information but your disdain and hate and divisive language, as I posted, clouds your articles thus have issue with your journalistic claim. Mostly informed opinion editorialists sure. Quality reporting reports facts. Facts from credible sources inform people.

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Is it possible? Yes. The Free Press Erick Erickson, UN and another agency as well as science and math have discussed the amount of food that being delivered is enough to support people and has been since March. What I cannot trust is that of Hamas who has proven to lie repeatedly. Furthermore, a recent military adviser to Obama noted that it nearly impossible to know death counts during a war. Without “dog tags” it’s hard to get accurate numbers.

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Considering multiple reports this week right here on Substack about Hamas stealing shipments and Biden himself noted it was Hamas attacking the pier being built. Multiple writers posting about what Hamas has done. Further the death toll comes from Hamas but UN recently significantly just reduced the numbers.

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Well that solved it, because Biden is so honest that we can believe whatever he says at face value.

Pleases send me a link to one of those articles that says Hanas is stealing food.

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Two links in yesterday’s TGIF post. Multiple now news about Hamas lying about death numbers (again too bad any but Hamas has shown they don’t belong in a civilized society) and their theft of that precious food on an American made pier.

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I’d like to read that. Please send me a link. I’m not being coy, I’d like to hear that viiewpoint

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Here is the whole about half way down. Just one set of posts. Other news orgs posting similar all week. https://open.substack.com/pub/bariweiss/p/tgif-an-appeal-to-heaven?r=4736l&utm_medium=ios

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Wait a second. You just posted that Biden said 30,000 dead and now when I reference the same person you respond that he is not an honest person to use? So by definition you don’t even trust your own research?

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Biden has covered up for USA atrocities for decades. The fact that he didn’t deny what numerous other sources have claimed tells us that he couldn’t use his normal claim that it was Russian disinformation. He was backed into a corner. I was shocked that he came clean

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Side note thank you for having quality discourse. Rare in today’s world and online spaces that one can discuss and debate without the name calling etc by the so called progressives or woke community. One can only learn when one’s mind is open. So thank you.

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Again, you first used Biden in your reply to me then I do same as it’s now I who is wrong for using him? Do agree he has lied as most politicians do. I suspect most in office because of their egos instead of how it was at the founding when supposed to be best and brightest. Just curious, in your journalistic opinion, has Hamas performed any atrocities?

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Prove this claim -

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Read the posts here. Multiple articles and research and posts just this week. And it’s not like Hamas has not been doing this for years. Stealing foreign aid now to build up its military.

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Until the narrative is torn to reveal resistance to the brutal occupation, the rhetoric will stand on Hamas this, Putin that. Finkelstein does a good job but is almost non existent in the media.

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The mainstream media has grown less and less tolerant of dissent. When it comes to Israel , it’s zero tolerance

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"It’s amazing how well the parties work together when they have common lobbyists."

And apartheid-era South Africa also was a democracy of sorts. If you happened to be a member of the correct ethnic group and your activities didn't run afoul of the Group Areas Act, the Suppression of Communism Act, the Public Safety Act, the Riotous Assemblies Act, the Unlawful Organizations Act, the 1961 Indemnity Act, the General Law Amendment Act, the Terrorism Act, the 1977 Indemnity Act, the Internal Security Act, etc..

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Good for her. I wish more people would join her.

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