Totally needs to come into play with who we consider as prez. Only Green Party Jill Stein would qualify so far

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At this point I’d vote for anyone that would renounce the US security state

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Is she going to be on the ballot?

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RFK jr. C’mon you mean you care so little about this election you haven’t even informed yourself on the position of the candidates?

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Spot on! Two words, among others that define how Americans perceive wars—desensitized and abstract. Thank you for this insightful article!

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Excellent article. I hope it's not a case of preaching to the choir. The choir needs to be much bigger and louder and I hope it gets bigger in Washington DC on July 24 when Bibi comes to town for his campaign rally at the capitol and again in Chicago in August. The Democratc insiders anguish over Biden and how he may lose the election but they never mention the on-going damage he could do in the next six months, much less what four more years of him would mean to the country, and the world, if he managed somehow to stay in the White House. Not that the possible return of Trump offers a rosier prospect. He may want to destroy the government and the country but seems less hell-bent on blowing up the planet.

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I agree. I don't know if the world can survive another 4 years of the Biden administration. The genocide in Gaza of course, but we are closer to nuclear war with Russia than we have been since the Cuban Missile Crisis. The bombs are much bigger now, though and can do a lot more damage.

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One thing to keep in mind is that the two nuclear bombs used in WWII were atomic bombs. I am pretty sure all the nuclear bombs today would be hydrogen bombs. The atomic bombs from WWII can destroy sixty blocks. So, an atomic bomb drop in Union Square can destroy Rockefeller Center. A 50-megaton hydrogen bomb dropped in Union Square will not only vaporize NYC, but it will also take out large chunks of New Jersey and Connecticut.

Joe Biden has the nuclear code. How lucky are we?

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Biden keeps mixing up numbers even in the same sentence. What if he mixed up the nuclear code with Hunter's cell number? So he wants to call Hunter, pick with the black briefcase, and begins dialing....

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Let’s hope the nuclear codes don’t get entered into a phone app. Then he could really enter it into a the wrong place

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So. Our current choices are worrying about mutually assured destruction; or worrying about living in a totalitarian state.

At age 70, I think I'll take m.a.d.

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Overall the only reason Putin is showing restraint is because he understands the Biden is on his way out and desperate. And both Kennedy and Trump support rapprochement with Russia and getting out of foreign involvement. So he just has to wait out the election

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Yes I’m counting on some form of reproachment. This is not sustainable

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Walking back nuclear tensions with the Soviet Union didn't really happen until after Khrushchev was cowed in 1963. Then Brezhnev was cool with detente and disarmament negotiations. And we still had to act willing to annihilate the earth if they started it. Deterrence first, I'm afraid.

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Anyone who hasn't been terrified about this since the coup in 2014 has just never encountered the name Vasili Arkhipov. We've been so close before due to technology issues in the middle of tension... And here we are, in ever increasing tension, with large parts of the nuclear system still sitting on rather old technology and software.

An accidental toe over the line here could easily start something that no one really intended - even though I do think some of the zombie Ferrari bot sociopathic fucktards pulling the levers for power actually would decide to go nuclear - I mean, have politicians become more or less sociopathic since Truman - and has the office stretched the definitions of legality and hoovered up the resultant powers in that time....??

But no, ideological gains must be won by sacrificing Ukrainians, Russians and putting the entire world at risk. Those caucasian vodka drinkers might eat into our profit. So get lead lined fuckers and deal with it....

Well expressed Michael. Thank you.

I expressed this in a different format and more emotional format the day the clock moved even closer to midnight, which met with a wet fart of a reaction in the press.....


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Consider this: nuclear weapons are tactically useless, very WWII, when leveling cities was a thing. With better ordnance and GPS, nuclear bombs make no sense. I agree with your analysis though. Just think that Russia and the US use the threat of nuclear war to keep everyone in fear.

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Maybe. But don’t you think Putin sees NATO troops in his border to be an existential threat ?

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Totally. Launching ICBMs is not a rational response and Putin is certainly rational. But the fear of nuclear war serves the elites. I'm refusing to be terrorized.

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You don’t think if Putin got backed into a corner, he wouldn’t go nuclear ?

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I don't. Like I said, nuclear weapons are tactically useless. Only good for ending the world.

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That is a valid point. I don’t think anyone wants to do that

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Right. It's why I suspect the whole spector of nuclear apocalypse is a psy-op.

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The big danger is mistake or accident. Our prez has 7 minutes from notification to decide who or whether to launch a countersign, how many nukes to send, what to use - planes, missiles, ships - and he is there only one who can authorize it.

Think Biden is up to that?

Of course, probably 999 of 1,000 Americans don't know the foregoing. If they did, Biden wouldn't be in there White House.

All the war grabbing - ALL of it - results in the US andy Russia emptying the arsenals in 57 minutes, followed by a next day nuclear winter with daily high temps below zero F, and no sunlight. It will last decades, maybe centuries, but we won't care.

But hey, we have other shit to worry about like reparations, and DEI, and Trump is ACTUAL HITLER, and so forth.

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As you know, we live in a propaganda state. One of the ways it works is to misdirect people to ignore the important and focus on the trivial. It’s good to see people, like yourself who look at the bigger picture

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Down to the last detail, this is a Woke war. While this conflict is in many ways rooted in old-fashioned imperialism and essential American hubris, it's also very obviously colored, enabled and determined by the dysfunctional social/relational habits that have been normalized and promoted within the culture for the past 10-15 years: stonewalling, anti-intellectualism, deep denial of reality/gaslighting, a baffling and misguided aversion to guilt by association (“talking to your enemy makes you the enemy”), intellectual spinelessness (“no such thing as entertaining an idea without endorsing it”), compulsive erasure of history, digital book-burning through online censorship, virtue-signalling via grossly misinformed, State-sanctioned “activism,” pathological Orwellian inversions, and on and on.

In no universe does this end well, whether on a personal level or on a nuclear scale.

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Amanda, I am currently working on an article called "The Woke Ideological Reign of Terror". Hoping to get it out next week.

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Looking forward to it!

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It’s not going to happen for one and secondly they want us to think that. You really think Putin or China would get sucked into that? If anything it would be something the deep state spooks do and blame Russia.

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I don't think either Russia or China are looking for a war. I do think Putin is serious about NATO though. I do think there is danger of escalation. Putin has been screaming about this for 15 years. NATO has been encroaching on Russia for a long time. Putin would use nukes if they back him into a corner.

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Precisely, this is an existential threat to Russia. What's worse, is the the West will seemingly never stop. Russia is going to have to effect a complete loss for Ukraine on the battlefield or there WILL be a nuclear war.

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