This article makes my mind go back to WWII and nazi Germany, and I wonder how much support from the west it had before Hitler started using. Was it like this? After Gaza has been resolved, will the west claim that they didn't support Netanyahu and his genocide of Gaza?

Also, it shows me how out of touch western leadership is with its citizens. People are protesting genocide everywhere any way they can. They're boycotting companies like Starbucks to the point where the company is really struggling. Yet our leadership is telling us that opposing this horrendous genocide means that we're anti-semitic. Not many of us are stupid enough to fall for that.

The standing ovations Netanyahu garnered from Congress is just sickening. How anyone can vote for a Democrat or a Republican is beyond me.

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I gave up on both parties after Bill Clinton betrayed his supporters. I couldn’t quite become a Republican, so I settled on being an Independent.

The most shocking thought was a new NATO for the Middle East. That would give the West an astonishing hold on power

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That was shocking, I agree, Michael.

I've heard speculation that NATO itself could fall apart for various reasons. What nations would want to join Israel and the USA? I think they're the most hated nations in the world right now.

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It wasn't Clinton it was Netanyahu

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Agents of his government! this bought and paid for “war criminal Congress.” Ralph Nader on Xitter said over 300,000 have been killed, at two persons per bomb dropped. On his podcast he said the number was close to 750,000 when disease, water quality and starvation are addressed.

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It’s just horrifying. Every day it just gets worse and worse. The US won’t stop them. Netanyahu said it best “we need more weapons to finish the job”. I think that means extermination

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The reason the Gazan Health Ministry claims there are 39,000 deaths is because it tallies the deaths in hospitals and morgues. The number is dwindling not because there are fewer deaths but because few hospitals and morgues are still in operation.

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And Kamala says she wants everyone to be sure there is "no daylight" between herself and Biden, concerning Israel. (Or anything else, IMO). Just mentioning this because Kamala may campaign on different approaches between herself and Biden, but of course there will be no difference. Unless worse.

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They will be no difference. Kamala is an establishment lapdog like Biden

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I wish the Youtube was not taken down of Last Week Tonight With John Oliver that aired on HBO July 28, 2024, Season 11, Episode 18 regarding The West Bank Settlements, something Bill Maher would NEVER do. He really made fun of the hypocrisy of Zionism.


The truth no one tells is that Israel was created for the sole purpose of unfettered commerce and less taxation, based on historic and horrible discrimination that the Ashkenazi and other European Jews experience going back to prewar WW2 and further back through the anils of time. see the links



Again: The Zionist concept was NEVER created as homeland to keep Jews safe, it was create so they could prosper without discrimination to achieve unfettered Commerce, trade and low taxation. The Holocaust was just another angle to get to their end goal - this is a fact but NO one ever states this, call it what you will.

This is the 21st Century this specific type of employment, business discrimination extra taxation on Jews does not happen specifically towards them as it once had in medieval to 19th Century Times if not for the Holocaust Israel would just be for European Jews , Arab and African (non-white)Jews would have been banned.

It is Israel its self that makes Jews unsafe but claiming to be a homeland, then commits horrible crimes and acts of violence making the stupid and uninformed hate Jews once again.

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I know. I read something floated that Kamala intended to dismiss Biden's cabinet/staff, especially Blinken and Sullivan. Doubties.

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No way. They are leaches attached to the MIC

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Even if she did, who would she choose to replace them?

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Bill Kristol and Victoria Nuland

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It would be funny to watch Team D cultists tie themselves into knots trying to make excuses, if it weren't happening in real life.

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Team D is too busy being in ecstasy that Kamala the savior is coming

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Harris' NSA advisor Phil Gordon claimed the rockets attacked "northern Israel". This was a barefaced lie. The Golan Heights is a part of southwestern Syria. the rockets attacked Syria, not Israel. The Israelis in Golan Heights are illegal settlers.

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I guess it all fits, but we just never saw it in such a blatant way. Zionists and ALL American governments including ALL state governments are largely the same since World War 2. Let me explain: The United States tote they are defenders of the free world, then they say, but not in the same breath or even day, It's about U.S. interests.

Well you can't have both ways, it is one way or the other - let me explain even further, Lobbyists run the United States. Policies and laws are made on behalf of who they are taking "campaign donations" from it does not matter what lobby group or what kind it is.

ALL elected officials act on their behalf of whatever it is for; Big Oil, Israel, Gun Lobby through the NRA, Big Tech or the Defence industry as it obvious this is why such officials get money to get elected from them. One such powerful lobby is AIPAC as so eloquently described in this book https://archive.org/details/the-israel-lobby-and-u.-s.-foreign-policy.

The United States itself is like Israel, and it is a cancer on the world of other free countries, the problem is, there is worse cancers out there. Hmm what is a surgeon going to do as there is no magic bullet or wand for the cure; but there is some global immune therapy if the rest of the world so decided it, it is detailed here: https://joecreed.substack.com/p/peace-for-the-world-and-the-middle-b65

Remember I am not a writer or a philosopher - I just try to figure stuff out in the most practical way to cure a problem or fore see some issue down the road and try to prevent a bad situation; akin to daily exercise and pet friendly housing based on a 30% single person's income and being at least 900 square feet as be about the same-thing, this will likely have obvious health benefits; one physical the other mental. A lobby group to ban lobby groups is the other idea - NO dark money campaign donations. No AIPAC as they lobby for a foreign power .........or do they?

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Screw Hamas. Screw the Palestinians who have committed endless terrorism against Jews and Israelis. Screw the supporters of terrorists blind to why Israel lashed out so radically to crush these monsters who universally call for the genocide of Jews. Screw the palestinians who had numerous chances for a peaceful settlement but kept their goal of the murder and all jews. Last of all, screw you.

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These people are determined to forget 7/10.

The delusions is way to find.

Butchery and slaughter all over the world.

Hundreds of thousands of muslim Men, Women, children slaughtered by fellow Muslims.

No Jews, No News.

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Tell me more about 7/10? I would like to learn more from your prospective

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The Islamic terrorist group Hamas have in their charter they wish to kill all the Jews.

If they had not been stopped several hours after they began they would have done that.

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Well you as a intelligent person and a more advance kind of person; AND they (Hamas) a more backwards kinda persons that is obviously writing the Hamas Charter.

This kinda backwardness is similar to those who wrote the United States Constitution when only white men with property could vote and women where 2/3 a person and Negros where property to be used as slaves. (Property was Real Estate and Slaves) Now as a intelligent person you know this is not the case anymore. Women are a full person just like Negros.

What any phrase regarding kill all Jews means, is Kill all Zionists - I don't think they care if one is Jewish or not. The American Indians did the same to the settlers who where the Zionist type back in the Day. The Kiowa and the Apache were particularly unforgiving towards settlers. The U.S. Army even named attack and attack versions of these helicopters after them. Were they all terrorists?

The Americans still have not grappled with their settler colonial past in any meaningful way the same as with Israelis have not either, as they still think they are still entitled, as the first white settlers to America once did and thought as did the Spanish with the Doctrine of Discovery once thought as well. https://www.worldhistory.org/Doctrine_of_Discovery/ and https://www.law.cornell.edu/wex/doctrine_of_discovery Zionism has NO place in the 21st century or in fact at any point in time to include all colonial thinking when different countries where create by occupation of the indigenous people. The colonials of any created country have to intergrade to the indigenous, not the other way around; NO one is entitled to harm another either.

The attacks on October 7, 2023 did not happen in a vacuum as the U.N. Secretary General stated, however appalling and terrible it was.

Read the links below for more in site of what I trying to articulate as I am not a writer or philosopher. Ken Burns a American treasure did try to articulate something smiler in his two part documentary the The American Buffalo and with the one hour introduction and making of it. But like smart and intelligent person you chose to ignore and offer a disparaging comment instead as per typical of a Zionist response.




Lets not for get that predominantly white Jewish and Atheist Settlers in the West Bank can vote but the Palestinians can not - the United States did the same thing as they stay birds of a feather stay together; read this article.


THE FIX: https://joecreed.substack.com/p/peace-for-the-world-and-the-middle-b65

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It's okay, I realise that the phrase, "I never figured that I needed logic or facts to get ahead" would not be high on your set of things to abide by.

What does "Zionist" mean?

It simply means a person who believes the Jews should have their own nation.

You can be an Eskimo and be a Zionist.

You can be an Arab muslin and be a Zionist.

I'm ignoring all the rest of your post because it's pointless talking to an ignorant misogynistic racist like you about such things.

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Like I stated before I am not a writer or philosopher, but I spent my whole life figuring things out and analyzing the situation/problem. A Zionist can be best explained by these four Jewish folks who's Youtubes are on my Substack link at the very end it is once again: https://joecreed.substack.com/p/peace-for-the-world-and-the-middle-b65 -------and how do you know I am not Jewish and is this relevant to anything?

Anyone can be a Zionist, but not all people are, including not all Jews. Belief in Zionism and a Jewish state is about apartheid and the lack of unfettered commerce and opportunity that stemmed from the past in Europe up until the end of WW2 up until the very early 1950s

Judaism is a religion and culture that varies around the world. This is really pointless talking to someone who does not want to recognize their own Colonial History of Racism and Apartheid in a country for which they live, with their own indigenous people and then attacks someone in their reply for clearly articulating that.

Using the term Eskimo for the Inuit is like calling a Negro a Nigger or a Intersex Person a Hermaphrodite. In fact the your are using a typical Zionist flip calling a person Anti-Semitic or a Self Hating Jew or a Racist because Zionists think they are privileged over others lol.

P.S. Enlighten yourself by watching this prominent Rabbi and two Jewish Professors are they wrong? six videos







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I sort like what you said..........................but Andrew Jackson did the same in the 1830s Indian Removal Act https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Indian_Removal_Act. The Indians had short lived victory at Little Big Horn; was Sitting Bull a terrorist or just a freedom fighter, after all it was his land? https://www.pbs.org/kenburns/the-american-buffalo scroll down and watch ALL the clips.

The Zionist colonized the Palestine - they make laws to lay claim to every Jew on the planet what and who does such a thing and WE should all spy or fight for them - a ass-hole does. Have you ever watch even a bit of Al Jazzeera, I try not it makes me sad? Here is one for the books: https://www.aljazeera.com/program/radicalised-youth/2018/11/13/thou-shalt-not-kill-israels-hilltop-youth/

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How many Israelis were in Gaza on 6/10?

It's just that you said it was colonised.

Is it not true that the Israelis left Gaza in 2005 in an effort to bring peace?

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Israel is controlling them , it stated by many in the diplomatic and humanitarian fields it is the largest open in prison in the World. The whole of Israel was colonized just like Africa, South America, North America, parts of China and South East Asia is and once was. Skip your phony biblical claim as its not even a real argument; as All rulers of modern Israel are Zionists that are atheists of Jewish decent or those that pray to a false idol by indicating as the homeland of the Jews when in fact is only a Holy Land to Jews as well as other religions. You seem to be a product of AIPAC propaganda or have brain brainwashed by some other form. Here is some free reading and light viewing for you.









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When has there been a native government of the area?

Before the British Mandate the foreign Ottoman Empire was in control.

You can keep going back to 150AD before you get to a native controlling government.

The Jews are home, sorry if your hatred can't allow you to see that.

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Too bad there isn't a laugh reaction at the end of comments.

"Open-air prison"

Go watch some videos of the before and after of Gaza.

The Islamic terrorist group Hamas have received anywhere up to 100 billion in donations since Israel left in 2005.

They only blockaded it after Hamas "won" the elections the mass murdered their political rivals.

Would you allow weapons of mass destruction to be imported by a terrorist group sworn to kill every single civilian in your country?

Can you name a single Islamic democratic country?

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I support Israel, as long as it stays inside the boundary specified by the UN in 1946.

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That is an excellent point. It’s the expansion that has caused them issues

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They were attacked and according to the rules of war, you can occupy territory your attackers leave in their wake as they run away.

Anyway, Muslims have sworn to destroy them regardless of where they are.

It's even written in their Satanic book of hate.

If Israel didn't exist they'd still be sought out to be murdered.

If you think Muslim attacks on Jews started in 1948 you need lessons in history.

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Very true. Muslim attacks on Jews started in 1930s, some say even earlier. The larger violence came around 1933 when Hitler obtained the power. And, by the way, Palestine was under British control and banned Jewish immigrants. They came anyway. And then Jews started killing Muslim as well. The movement to establish the modern day Israel started by then.

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They started long before then.

Muhammad was proud to behead 600 Jews and turn their wives into sex slaves

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Indeed. Therefore, accounting of such attacks and retaliation is unlikely to settle the scores or to decide who to compensate whom for what. It seems there are only two ways: forward one is to fight to the death and only one can be standing. The other is to find a border that both sides can reluctantly agree under international watch. Then they can build a wall between the two. More than likely a buffer zone of no-man's land has to lie in between. My idea is to let them decide. People can choose to go there to fight for either side, with their own lives on the line. But national power should not be introduced. Otherwise, another world war is inevitable.

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Gaza has been IDF and Israeli-free since 2005.

Who is attacking who exactly?

Who has been given practically 100 billion dollars in donations, which has made several of the leadership of Hamas billionaires or multi-millionaires?

They could have made it a paradise, instead their only goal was the destruction of Israel and the mass murder of every Israeli

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Thank You !

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The two state solution is pretty much dead, Even this two state one resolution 242 is dead - sorry for remembering all these resolutions its like case-law, some just sicks with you.




Israel's current PM was Shamir apprentice who version of Zionism is this



Why dead? Any how there is NO two state solution anymore as the West Bank is like Swiss cheese- The only answer in a brand new pluralistic country of with the right of return for all who where displaced . The resolution 242 borders would be a reserve for all Palestinians displaced of any religion. A new U.N. made country with NO Zionism, a place for all, with normal immigration like any other western country.

Read my Substack solution: https://joecreed.substack.com/p/peace-for-the-world-and-the-middle-b65 I am old, but can always use some new younger good ideas.

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More sad info made funny John Oliver Tonight https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RI1TP2gNn6c

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The existence of "new Israel" is quite bizarre, really. When was the last time old Israel existed? Is it centuries, or is it eons? I have been boycotting Isn'tReal for many years. In my mind, "Zionists" are really just a bunch of insane ZioNazis. These are people who have literally not just lost their minds, but they've lost the essence of their souls. And to think, all they have had to do is SHARE the land by creating a two-state solution. But, their zealousness and GREED has a strangle-hold on their feeble, tiny, shriveled hearts, that is, if they even have hearts ... which I have come to believe, they do not.

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Israel will not buy into a two state solution at this this point, especially when the US is supplying them with all the munitions they need

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Netanyahu went to our Capitol Hill, in the chamber that George Washington built and where Lincoln defended our democracy, and bragged about using our tax dollars to commit genocide. He smeared our peace protesters with Iran and terrorism, and our lawmakers stood and cheered him on. It was a shameful day in America.

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All sociopaths and corrupt neocons.

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A shameless anticlockwise stinking pile of shameless lies.

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