One thing all these wars are doing is exposing western leaders to the rest of us. And it's not pretty.

As a matter of fact, expecting regular citizens to accept that genocide and perpetual war are normal while living austerity at home could have implications for civil wars.

And all this when we're experiencing an unprecedented climate crisis.

As for Putin, he's a smart and strategic guy, and a long term thinker, from what I can tell. I have a feeling he'll find a way of inflicting severe pain on the west in a way that won't allow for retaliation -- something like the Hezbollah counter-attack against Israel.

I'm glad you liked my comment on your other post. I couldn't get Messenger to work but I'm happy to have any of my writing shared. Thanks so much, Michael!

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Entirely welcome

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Uh... What "climate crisis"? You seem too intelligent to believe such bollocks.

I also question your assessment of Putin. Seems to me he has gone out of his way to try and be reasonable, offering to have peace talks and many other offers of getting things sorted out with the US-- It's not Russia, but the US that is the most serious threat to any kind of peace. But if you are listening to MSM, you are being fed ever-more-ludicrous propaganda. It doesn't sound to me like you are uneducated, nor unintelligent, so... hmm.

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Our official 2024 Pentagon budget is $870 billion. However, the overall DOD budget is $2.08 trillion, distributed over six sub-components. Additionally, Congress is rubberstamping these Ukraine / Israel / Taiwan weapon aid packages as new appropriations, meaning after these weapon giveaways, the Congress would use these billions of dollars of new appropriations to buy new weapons from the defense contractors. Yes, we are broke, and thanks to Bidenomics, working-class people can't afford to feed their children. Credit card debt delinquency is soaring to the highest in decades, and interest rates for new cards average +24%. But no worries— Congress will take out more loans under our names to pay the defense contractors. See, Michael, aren't we special?

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There’s no money for schools, for health care, but there is always money for bombs.

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And for Israel.

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No mention of the black budget 🤔 maybe give it time... people are waking fast imo

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Good comment, and I feel that anger. But this isn't BIDEN, he's clearly a TOOL. It's not even the "Democrats," as we actually only have ONE party, which is pretty obvious now, but has been the case for almost our entire existence as a country... The party of the Filthy Rich.

When we talk about "budgets" and "finance" we must remember that ALL that money is FIAT money, and basically worthless. It's just "talk," really, it doesn't even exist. Since the thieves back in the 70's undid the Gold Standard, we've been lied to, deluded, and robbed blind. And it's not just financial blindness, it's everything.

The tides are shifting quite rapidly now, the truth is becoming impossible to hide, and soon the USA is going to be kicked off its self-selected pedestal of being the Boss of the World, to the CURB. All these long years, for almost our entire life as a country (if you're American) we have been stomping the hell out of less-powerful neighbors, demanding all sort of bowing and scraping from the entire world, on pain of being warred upon, either with military force, or with covert subterfuge from the CIA, or with financial manipulation, or all three. Those "Glory Days" of "USA! USA!" are over. There is simply no way in HELL the US is going to continue to pound anybody and everybody, or make decisions about other countries' way of life or anything else. We're pretty much done. As is Israel, our little pet psychopath-led Junior US.

I don't blame the PEOPLE of the US... We've been heel-of-the-handed and ignored for decades, politically, socially, medically, in pretty much every way, our industry sent overseas, our wealth destroyed (but sent upwards, to the very war-mongering muckities that are now destroying us for good, at least in regard to tangible wealth)...

What's coming for us is what has been on the agenda of the (relatively) tiny cabal of globalist, psychopathic, elitist, filthy, filthy rich horror show that has been "running" the world for at least a couple of thousand years, and until recently has kept very much to the shadows... But thanks to the Internet, they are being "outed," and they are literally the Face of Evil. THEY are what we are up against, and THEY must be stopped.



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Yes people like Bill Ackman have a load of power. He threatened to cut off funds to universities if they allowed protests, but also threatened students with black listing so they can’t get jobs

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Yet another reason why capitalism and its tools is a shite idea.

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Even the world sees that Russia and China are after and aiming for peace and global cooperation and communication... it is the western empire who wishes to eradicate entire populations of people and use all resources including people for their own greedy benefit.

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I think that’s the predominant narrative worldwide. The US just doesn’t understand that. Citizens or elites

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The U.S.A. is the ultimate war machine. "Thank you for your service" is like saying "Amen." Hollywood exports that culture, 'cause it needs troops.

You're not hearing Mexican-hating Trump moaning about the "731,000 U.S. veterans born outside the United States". Play 'Call of Duty', watch 'Top Gun 2', be poor, join the Marines, get citizenship - https://www.migrationpolicy.org/sites/default/files/source_charts/spt-2024-vets-fig2-birth-.png.

Will the conservative Project 2025, which is preparing for Trump, make things worse with Schedule F? Can you imagine unskilled political appointees in the nuke section?

I point this out whilst simultaneously despising the Biden faction. I despise the American political 'system' of dysfunctional selfishness.

The U.S. is in trouble, but I'm most concerned about that being a global infection for us foreigners who have no intention of joining their army, and just want to live in peace in our countries. But with our For Sale politicians, we don't have a vaccine.

Our world is in trouble.

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I think “Thank you for your service” is amazingly patronizing”. I often feel bad for people who come back from US service . Some of them were idealists who bought into US jingoism. Many came back physically or emotionally maimed, or both. It’s a sad set of causal events.

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It's a cycle of brainwashing, but it's so effective because people want to go with the flow - that laziness isn't something I easily forgive.

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Eric Hoffer, the great sociologist said “propaganda doesn’t deceive people, it merely helps them to deceive themselves”

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It does, but we cannot allow it to always be an excuse for lack of personal responsibility.

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Jun 20·edited Jun 20

"The best theory I can think of is that the US Security State underestimated Russia’s military power and how the rest of the world perceives the United States."

I would say that Russian dithering and indecision have caused the West to lose all fear of Russia, and that the hegemon could not care less whether anyone likes him or not, as long as they fear him.

We are dealing with an American government run by humans whose behavior is indistinguishable from that of sociopaths, and sociopath logic neatly explains their motivations and actions.

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Do you think Russia dithered or were they trying to exhaust every avenue before waging war?

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Even during the war, Russia has dithered.

Anyway, the West treats this as weakness and acts accordingly.

Quote Scripture to an armed robber and he will be delighted in your impotence. A lead pipe slammed over and over again into his face, a Colt Python held to his temple and the sure knowledge that you will without hesitation pull that trigger, that is the sort of language the sociopaths who rule over us understand.

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I want you to know I did not vote for this evil.


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Elise is also didn’t vote for either one. Probably most of my audience didn’t either. You are in the right place

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...... along with a lifetime ban on working as lobbyists afterward.

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Thankfully you mentioned the draft because it's not being mentioned elsewhere. Now, I'm going to give some y'all information, do with it what you will.

First, a drafty must be a US citizen. Second, they must be 18 years old. Biden's amnesty ploy, it's purely political, will cover 500,000 immigrants. 50,000 of them are children under 21. To me, it looks not so great😕

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We are a flailing empire and the world knows they have us back on our heels

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That does seem to be the case.

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