This “fighting for democracy” slogan has always been a cover for “we don’t like what you have chosen for yourself. We will decide what’s good for you, because clearly you don’t know that yourself”. I know these is more to it than this, and it’s not always this plain, it’s much more nuanced than that but this seems to be always the core principle.

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It reminds of my favorite bumper sticker: “be nice to America, or we’ll bring democracy to your land”

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Are you crazy? Ukraine hasn't been Ukraine since Victoria Nuland, under the auspices of President Obama, overthrew the democratically elected government in 2014. Since then these REAL NAZIs (with the neocon/Neoliberal State Department's full support) has been provoking the now market-economy-based Russian government into a war by expanding OBSOLETE NATO to Russia's doorstep. Why? They're pissed Putin threw out those slimy dozen oligarchs who pillaged Russia's national resources during the Clinton-installed Yeltsin administration.

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Putin refuses to do the West’s bidding. That makes him US enemy #1. The US couldn’t care less about dictators.

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This is Bankster war. NO legitimate US interests are being served here. Unfortunately, the GLOBALIST banksters own the US government, media, etc..

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The US sees lots of resources in Russia they would like to get their hands on, and Putin refuses to bow and let the US boss him around.

The US also didn’t like the Putin sold gas and oil all around Europe.

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It's not for the citizens of the US. And besides resources, Russia stands in the way of an elite-led single-world government (they also want most of us dead). Notice they don't care about the collapse of the dollar? Or that borders are being overrun all over Europe and America with no resistance from the ruling classes? What we have here is an infestation of vampire-squid, transhuman, Satan-worshipping paedo assholes.

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They absolutely do not care. I can never understand that.

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Joe should have recused himself from all United States and Ukraine business years ago. He's a murderous old bastard with American blood on his hands. He and Zelensky both got their starts as comedians. No joke.

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He is a corrupt, establishment politician. He always has been. He’s a psychopathic, bloodthirsty neocon war monger.

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Now that I've walked off my fury around Biden I wanted to thank you for a well written article. It's too easy for me to bash the President and ignore the realities of the now martial law enforcement of the Ukraine, the groups that have been crushed and the groups that have been elevated. White supremacy, Nazi military factions are legitimized by war while functioning political parties who wanted reason before war are declared illegal by fiat and all this appears to be accepted and sponsored by NATO and of course the U.S. Administration and the U.S. taxpayers, respectively. I've been a poor student of all this, thanks sir and commenters. What a tangled web, oh my Lord.

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It’s really an awful situation all around. It’s sometimes hard for me to wrap my head around the hypocrisy of warning us of the dangers of white supremacy, while simultaneously arming them in a different part of the world. The disingenuousness of touting of Ukraine as a model of democracy while criminalizing Russia for the same violations is simply vile.

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1. Zelenskii was imprisoning opposition politicians and muzzling the press even before the war began.

2. Zelenskii's groupies dutifully assure us that Ukraine has no need for elections, since Zelenskii would win anyway.

So why bother holding elections anywhere if we already know who would win? For that matter, why was Zelenskii demanding $5,000,000,000 from the West in financial aid to hold elections if they were so unnecessary? While we're at it, why would Ukrainian elections approximately twice what they do in the U.S.?

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Zelinsky is a comedian turned politician. He obviously didn’t think about the ramifications of being president, like having to be a remote control robot for the US.

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Well, he was elected in 2019 on a platform of peace and reconciliation with Russia and over vociferous American objections (the US Ambassador openly campaigned for his opponent) only to find out just how short his leash was.


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Yes he did. Zelensky even had me fooled. I don’t know if he believed his own trappings or if he just got a blast of reality from the US when he got in power. Either way, he’s s tool of the empire

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Thanks, did not know that.

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Appreciate the link.

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Zelensky is a grifting Soros puppet (you know, like our Congress).

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Undoubtedly he grifts congess and congress extracts what they want from him

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I'm so sick of the west's gunpoint 'democracy'. How can people continue to believe in this?

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This is a question I've been asking since I was young. Why do Americans love war?

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Well it’s ingrained in American culture. Movies portray the US as the good guys going around the world to fix and help everyone else. Sporting events fill dead time by bringing military personnel onto the field for worship. The media touts each war as a fight for democracy. Schools portray the US as the omniscient , selected country to bring good to the world.

It’s an efficient way to hide from the true nature of the US, which is an imperialist state. That wouldn’t go over with the population. The people of the US are remarkably subservient and loyal, even to their own demise. Propaganda is the most powerful force on earth. It helps people believe what they want to believe

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Good explanation, Michael.

Also war is very profitable for the extremely wealthy.

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Oh yes. Talk about blood money

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Correction: A Neo-nazi Jew with a Furher complex that has attacked the church, the monks and priests, banned and stolen their properties, put the opposition in jail, banned the press, and cancelled national elections. And tortured and finally murdered Gonzalo Lira. There!

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US CIA Backed Coup in 2014 was the final act of Nazi American plans on war to Russia and Europe and destroy the good relationships between the two. Everybody knows if European, that since few decades Russian partnerships in EU were prolific and useful even to simple citizens (e.g gas/oil price).

But Nazi Obama started making plans or whoever behind him, in 2008 with another CIA backed "colored revolution", pure propaganda to establish a new US friendly Government.

Almost same plan as WWII, first you support and finance the Nazi germans then when europe is on her knees and the fighters weak, here it comes the US trumpet and cavalry... Bloody Nazi Imperialists!

And whoever can say that after 80 years we can easily accept that USA is much worst than Nazi Germany of 1930s.

You were mentioning 9/11 so Oct 7th and Gaza genocide, all of that was carefully planned by today Nazi Governaments, that are not german anymore. Sorry!

If there ia big, huge problem in the World today, that problem is USA only.

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The US use proxies to keep their hegemony. They don’t care if they are terrorist bomber Kings like Saudi Arabia, genocidal supremacists like Israel or poor corrupt democracies like Ukraine…

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Yes, then we criticize other countries who outsource their wars

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No damned shit. He supports the Azov Btn, which is a nazi organization in his army.

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More than supports them. He funds abd arms them with advanced weapons. This will have to come back to haunt the west at some point

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I guess we can call the new normal: creeping fascism with a Democratic Face, Creepy Joe Biden.

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Well done, Michael. As usual.

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Yeah, sure….. whatever.

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SCOTUS Didn't Rule To Protect Trump, They Ruled To Protect Biden, Obama and Bush And The New Fascist Regime.All of Biden's program's come from the same masters who stacked the SCOTUS with fascists that provided the ruling. Biden's crimes are far worse than Trump's and could take all the fascists down. https://lloydhart.substack.com/p/scotus-didnt-rule-to-protect-trump

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If all Americans were killed in a nuclear war because of their passivity would that be just? Would it be ironic?

Would it be moral?

Just my random thoughts

We live in a strange illusion

I have had many discussions with an interested person about ethnicity

He says it’s an illusion a cost that we put on and wear

OJM is the new slogan replacing BLM

BLM is forgotten

OJM is the new rallying cry

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What Is OJM?

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A coat that we put on and wear

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deletedJun 28
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I only hope they get held accountable. It’s more than overdue

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RemovedJun 25
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“West” is a designation given to allies of the US

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