Thanks Michael for picking apart this case and shedding light on this dangerous precedent. What kind of democracy can one expect from a state where the justice and media establishments are not independent but rather co-opted? Just because people can vote??

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It reminds of Orwell's 1984. The government had just changed enemies in the war, and the entire media staff had to revamp all the written material to reflect the new enemy and wipe out all references to the old. Orwell Writes:

The war was erased

The erasure was erased

lies became the truth

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Agree.. sadly. Humans are evil. Satanic. Although we created Satan and God, for that matter, as a reflection of our selves (& desired selves). We created god and Satan in our own image. I’m really scared of our species..

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Thanks for articulating this so well, Michael.

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Nailed it. Thanks.

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When the National Socialist Democratic Workers Party wants you to have The Truth, they’ll give it to you America. Just remember to say “Sieg Heil” on cue, please.

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